How to Build Sustainability Into Injection Molding

Sustainability has been a focal point for years now, driven by consumer and governmental pressures pushing companies to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt more planet-friendly practices. While the use of plastics has faced criticism, being environmentally conscious and manufacturing plastic products are not necessarily contradictory. In this post, we’ll delve into the expansion of corporate sustainability initiatives and how you can approach producing manufacturing prototype products with a sustainability mindset.

Growth of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

The roots of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) trace back centuries, initially revolving around philanthropy before broadening to encompass wider social and environmental concerns. The term “Environmental, Social, & Governance” (ESG) gained prominence around 2005, coinciding with governments’ increasing mandates for environmental practices. Today, nearly all (96%) of the top 250 global companies report on sustainability, driven by intense scrutiny from investors and customers. Consumers increasingly prefer companies demonstrating genuine commitments to bettering the world, while investors correlate social and environmental initiatives with positive stockholder returns. With profits at stake, companies are actively seeking sustainable options.

Injection Molding With a Focus on Product Sustainability

Advancements in materials and processes are steering injection molding into sustainability discussions. Renowned for its efficiency and precision, injection molding can significantly contribute to environmental responsibility while meeting consumer demands.

Plastic often faces criticism for its environmental impact, primarily due to petrochemical processing and high carbon emissions during manufacturing. However, it also aligns with sustainability in critical ways. Plastics help conserve resources and increase efficiency by keeping food fresher for longer, reducing waste by preventing spoilage and extending shelf life. Additionally, the lightweight nature of plastics leads to lighter vehicle and aerospace parts compared to metal counterparts, resulting in lower fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Plastics also play vital roles in renewable energy systems and contribute to energy efficiency and sustainability in construction. These applications highlight plastic’s potential to contribute positively to sustainability efforts.

At Quickparts, we recognize sustainability’s importance to many customers. Our commitment to innovation enables us to offer injection molding solutions aligned with sustainability goals. Injection molding’s precise material control reduces waste and promotes a sustainable production cycle.

We’re dedicated to collaborating with clients to integrate sustainable practices into their production processes. Whether it’s selecting eco-friendly materials, optimizing designs for reduced material use, or enhancing process efficiency, we’re here to help achieve sustainability objectives.

Design for Manufacturing Increases Efficiency and Reduces Waste

Design for Manufacturability (DFM) is a powerful tool in minimizing the environmental impact of manufacturing. By focusing on waste reduction, DFM aligns with sustainable product manufacturing principles.

  • Tooling: Utilizing insert systems reduces waste when product lines change or become obsolete.
  • Material: DFM minimizes material waste through design optimization and can reduce the part’s material usage while maintaining structural integrity and quality. Material selection plays a significant role in sustainable injection molding, with options like recyclable materials, recycled materials, biodegradable plastics, and plastics using natural fillers.
  • Product Design: Simplifying product design reduces complexity, leading to more efficient processes, fewer defects, and less waste. Designing for longer product lifespans and easy disassembly for maintenance or end-of-life recycling enhances sustainability. Standardizing parts across products reduces the number of molds needed.

Localized Production Aligns With Broader Sustainability Goals

The trend of reshoring manufacturing, accelerated by recent global disruptions, aligns with broader sustainability objectives. Bringing production closer to home allows for better monitoring and implementation of environmentally responsible practices, reduces carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation, and facilitates compliance with regulations.

Working on an Injection Molding Project?

Share your sustainability goals with us. Through DFM, material selection, and streamlined processes, we can bring your project to life sustainably. Contact us to get started.